Friday, October 11, 2013

Let's Hold Back the Praise

When it comes to those in the spot light, I don't understand why are they raised to saint hood when they decide to speak a positive message? Society is expected to hold onto their every word. They are all of sudden considered the "go to" person with knowledge and insight. When they do good, we praise them for their heroism and sacrifice. Maybe well deserved, but I believe it's gone too far.

We are forgetting there are many individuals breaking their backs making a difference in this world. I know I will forget some people, but let's not forget the teachers, pastors, police, fire fighters, nurses, doctors, businessmen and many many more. Just because someone has not been in an article in the local paper, on Sports Center, in the latest blockbuster movie or reports the local news, doesn't mean they are the only ones making a difference or have a positive message. We all can make a difference.

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