- A touch lamp is the perfect bedside lamp to have. It's hard enough waking up at 3am to go grab a drink from the fridge. Add darkness and your thigh or toe will pay the price. Bedside lamps are easy to turn on and require zero coordination.
- The Jeep stroller with rubber wheels is a must. We take our children to various locations with different landscapes. Having a stroller with big rubber tires makes walking along sand, snow or rough terrain very easy. It's worth the extra money.
- It's not your fault. When Emmett, our four year old, was born we were convinced he possessed all of our negative personality traits. Even worse, we thought our parenting created his "less attractive" personality traits...then came Katelynn. She was the complete opposite. Order was restored...we are not bad parents. Every child has their own unique personality. Although both kids have short tempers...that Amanda.
- Speaking of short tempers...that last statement was a joke. I have a short temper and I see it in my kids. It's amazing how much kids absorb. When I see my negative personality come through my children it is absolutely heart breaking. I think this is most difficult part of parenting. Trying to act as the responsible, noble, and professional parent is practically impossible, but it should be the one we focus on the most.
- Because kids can absorb information so quickly and efficiently, teach them!! We read a lot to our kids. To see what they take away from story time is fun to see. I can't stress how important books are to children. It starts the day they are born.
- Manners: There are times I am rough on my kids. Some parents may think I need to relax, but growing up my parents didn't tolerate disrespect. We were told repeatedly to use our manners when speaking to people as well as listening. Please and thank yous go a very long way.
- Exposure: Amanda and I are believers in exposure. We want our children to take family vacations at an early age. We took Emmett on a 10 hour ski trip at six months.Want to test your marriage? Take your high strung six month old on a 10 hour road trip...good luck.
- Just relax...break the rules. One thing we had to do on our our road trip is unbuckle Emmett to calm him down. This is only an example of the many "rules" we as parents will have to break. Just because its a policy doesn't mean it's right. They say now we have to have our children rear facing in the car until they turn 2...yeah right. Good luck with that.. Don't let your child sleep in your bed...sure, I would rather sleep 6 hours rather than 2. One day I would like to pop in on those who made these rules and catch them breaking the "rule." Justice will be served.
- Build tolerance. This one is probably controversial. Growing up, we were "groomed" to get through sickness...be tough. Today, my siblings and I rarely get sick. Is there a connection? Probably not, but we are definitely not complainers.
- Kids are survivors. We don't give our kids enough credit. They are resilient and will persevere. I am horrible at this, but let them work through an issue with another child or sibling. They will figure it out.
- Stages: Life is all about stages. Some day the finances will fall into place. Someday the kids will no longer sleep in your bed. Some day you will sleep through the entire night. Some day you will be able to go back to the gym and lose the extra 30 pounds you put on because you have zero discipline and "have no time" to exercise because you have zero ability to wake up at 5am. LOL....some day your kids will be all grown up and you will wonder where has the time gone. You will wish they were little kids again. You will wish life was as easy as it was when the kids were little. You will want to do it all over again.
God Bless and thanks for reading.
Tyler great job on your recent blog,, you are a good writer....dad