Monday, January 6, 2014

John 3:16

The year was 2009 and Amanda and I were at the tail end of the winter living in our first home. It was March, but Mother Nature was still showing her power…or would this be God? Do Christians believe in “Mother Nature?” Anyway, Fargo was suffering major flooding. Schools were canceled, businesses were closed and the FM area was in full force fighting the rising Red River. *Well, almost full force. Amanda and I decided to head out to the cabin with Aaron and Julie and Bob and Lois to relieve stress.

It had been a long winter with a lot of snow. Along with Fargo being pounded with 100 plus inches of the cute white fluffy stuff, my body took a pounding due to all the snow shoveling. We had a small single driveway, but the dynamics of our driveway made it extremely difficult to shovel snow. The driveway had our house directly to the north and our neighbor’s house directly to the south. For 40 feet, I had nowhere to put the snow. Thus, I had to load the snow into my pickup and then unload on the boulevard. In addition, large drifts formed on top of the house. Four times I had to shovel the snow off of the roof, into the pickup, and then to the boulevard. I had enough. It was time for a snow blower. I didn’t wait until March “to have enough.” I knew by early December I needed a snow blower. I didn’t want just any snow blower though. I wanted a snow intimidator. This machine should remove snow by me just starting it up. In order to afford such machine, I had to get through the winter shoveling and then hopefully find a good deal in the spring.

While we were at the cabin in March, another snow storm was about to hit the area. Due to our families having no kids and an abundant amount of time, we decided to venture to Detroit Lakes and waste some time. Our first stop took us to Menards. When I first walked into the store, I saw a light from the ceiling shining down on one particular portion of the store, but didn’t give it any thought. We walked around for a while and the light didn’t dissipate. My curiosity couldn’t resist. We made our way to the light and turned the corner...I fell to my knees. The light was meant for me. There it stood…Murray 1150. I could feel a force pulling me closer and closer to the snow blower…it was love at first sight. Due to the time of year, Murray 1150 was on sale and in my price range. Although in my price range, Murray 1150 was not in Amanda’s price range annnnnnnnnnd enter Aaron Schauer.  Aaron has an ability to convince Amanda (Julie’s sister) to do just about anything. If I need Amanda to do something for me, I stick Aaron on her. Aaron thought we should change Murray 1150 to “John 3:16.” Let’s turn John 3:16 into a machine of God. Not only will Tyler clear his driveway, but he will clear the neighbor’s driveway. He will clear the neighbor’s neighbor driveway. He will clear the road in front of the house. He will hop on I-94 and remove snow. I was for me and the card was swiped.

Although Amanda was still frustrated, I had my snow blower. The cabin was hit with six inches of snow and John 3:16 came through. For 3 years, we had a neighbor that didn’t have access to a snow blower and John 3:16 came through. We had two neighbors across the street that were elderly and needed help…John 3:16 came through. Whenever I needed to pull the car out of a snow bank…I tied John 3:16 to the bumper and he came through…not really, but it makes for a great visual.  John 3:16 and I bond each time it snows. When it snows, the first song that comes to my head is “Cuts Like a Knife” by Bryan Adams. John 3:16 and I will continue to dominate the snow and help those in need.

Thank you Amanda for being patient and believing in the “vision.” Thank you Aaron for convincing my wife it was okay to spend the money on a piece of metal only a man would understand its value.

I am not trying to connect myself to the verse John 3:16 by any means. Please don’t interpet the above story as an arrogant way to say that only through my snow blower will I have eternal life. Naming the snow blower “John 3:16” was just a clever way to connect service to others as way to honor God. Although it was humor in naming the snow blower John 3:16, I truly do use it as motivation to serve others and God.

Moral of the story. Name a big purchase after a verse.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God Bless and thanks reading.

*In my defense, I had spent many hours filing sandbags at the Fargo Dome and area residences during the flood. By this time, we just wanted to get away, because we thought the Red was going to flood our home.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Yeah, I'm That Dad

Everyday we are challenged with life's curve balls. Some are little and some are big. The big ones seem to get us thinking more deeply about who we are, what we represent or why we did what we just did. The big curve balls can hurt. God means business. The little curve balls aren't so bad. Usually we bounce back quickly. God is just giving you a hint that a big curve is on the way if you continue to ignore the little ones. The other day a big curve ball was thrown my direction and it compelled me to think. This curve ball challenged my manhood and my ability as a dad.

Just recently I took Emmett and Katelynn to the store to mail a package. Emmett is now 4 and Katelynn will turn 2 in about a month. Amanda was working a day shift and it was daddy day care. I love my daddy day cares. In the moment they can be stressful, but they are a blast. We were at the store (customer service desk) and the line was long. I only had one package to mail and it had to be sent as soon as possible. Katelynn in one arm and a large show case of Oreos occupying Emmett, I would be okay. Traditionally Katelynn follows her brother everywhere, so I was surprised we made it this long. Fast forward 33 seconds and Katelynn was ready to go. With 2 people still ahead of me, I had no choice. Katelynn had to go down. Being the responsible parent that I am, I asked Emmett to watch Katelynn. The great thing about Emmett's big brother watchful eye is that when Katelynn leaves my sight line Emmett lets out a scream identical to the first Wednesday of the month fire whistle sound. I felt okay with my decision. With two kiddos playing tag around the Oreo case, I was able to mail my package. Just as I turned around, the Wednesday noon siren went off and little K was MIA. Well only briefly, but out of sight line none the less. With a quick run down the produce department, I had Katelynn in one arm and boots pounding big bro following diligently. A successful trip. So I thought. As we were leaving, a woman approached me and said the following:

"You know one day she won't be there and you will regret setting her down like that. You need to be more watchful of your children."

I was in shock. My usual cynical sarcastic demeanor was speechless. I could only respond by asking her if she had kids, which she does, and then said "Merry Christmas" and walked out. She might have had a point. I am not sure. I have only been a parent for 4 years and each day is a lesson in raising children. Her comments forced me to think about my parenting style. Should I have gotten a cart and strapped Katelynn in?...good luck with that. Found a sitter? I don't know. What I do know, are my kids. I know what they can handle and what they cannot. I then started to think, you know what, I am that dad.

I am that dad that sets his kids down and tells them to stick around. I am that dad that tells his son Dora went on vacation so we can watch Diego. I am that dad that shoots a squirrel right in front of his son and tells him that the squirrel had to go because the dog broke his paw because of the squirrel. I am that dad that tucks his daughter's pants into her socks on a cold day. I am that dad that puts a onesy over his daughter's jeans because it just looks funny. I am that dad that shows his kids YouTube videos of really bad women drivers because they are so funny and the kids laugh. I am that dad that sets up a tent in the basement and pretends a large grizzly bear is attacking the tent. Yeah, I am that dad that also finds grizzly bear noises on YouTube and plays them during the tent scene. I am that dad that takes a picture of his 3 month old daughter drinking water out of the dog dish.

I couldn't think of this list when it counted the most. I would love to go back to the woman and tell her this list. And if I did, I would then follow up my little rant.

But you know what...I am also that dad that will rock his daughter the entire night. I am that dad that will sleep on his sons floor to make sure he falls asleep in his crib. I am that dad that has read the same book five times in a row because my daughter just loves Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I am that dad that wakes up with mom six times during the night while both kids are throwing up every 30 minutes. I am that dad that shows love and compassion to their mother to show them how much mommy means to him. I am that dad that will work tirelessly to have a roof over their head and food in their mouths. I AM THAT DAD.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Heaven Bank

Not a day goes by that I don't wonder about something. I believe we are naturally curious people and often times we don't get an answer. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "Heaven Bank?" Just recently, I was watching all of the JFK specials. This year marks the 50th anniversary of his assignation and the conspiracy theories run wild across many networks. I doubt I will know what happen during my was the Secret Service. They accidentally shot him...follow the facts, but I do believe I will have a bank full of all the "deposits" I made over the years. For example, what happen during D-Day? Can I watch that over again? How did Hitler die? How close was I to being attack by grizzly bear during all of my hikes? What do mechanics do to my car while I am not there? These and more questions have been asked and I won't know the answers until the good Lord takes me home.

So if you think its not worth it to be curious, it is. Just wait and see.

God bless and thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

You are Welcome

The pictures will explain it all. You are welcome.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Scale of all Scales

I have had a continuous battle to lose weight. There are many methods out there to assist weight loss and I have tried many. Each day I look for a way to "make it easier." One thing I am proud of is that I have gone a record 252 consecutive Monday's with the plan to diet, only to fail later that afternoon. Now that is what I call a streak.

My most recent "game plan" includes a little out of the box thinking. The trucking industry is the life blood of America. With out trucks, we would be without many conveniences. Due to the mass volume of miles that trucks put on each year, the interstates take a beating. A way to monitor this activity is done by the State organizations. They have large scales for the trucks. Occasionally they will open these stations to hold the truckers accountable. Hopefully you are following where I am going with this. Now comes the big question. Why can't we have a large scale in our kitchen? Not just a scale you step on, but a scale that is built into the floor. Yeah, now I have your attention. Imagine walking into your kitchen and instantly a TV in the upper corner tells you your weight. Or maybe the fridge locks!! Take that inner tubes around the waist!! Man boobs....gone!! The idea might be a little out there, but considering the condition of our country and yours truly...drastic steps for drastic measures.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Three Talents

I think we have all had times in our lives we wish we had a special talent. That time in life, you know you could be something big if only you could do "________________." I have these same thoughts day in and day out. So here it is. My three talents I wish I had...two of which are feasible, the last one...not even close.

  1. Too many times in my life I have taken a vehicle into the shop and left feeling someone just took a lead pipe to both of my knee caps and a swift kick to the groin. This was when I got the quote. After the work was done, I signed up for the 10% off credit card offer, only to find out it only applies to work done under $100.00. I wish I knew all there was to know about cars. What a talent to have and save a lot of money
  2. The same can be said when I take our computers in for repair. It just feels like computers are designed not to last 10 minutes after they are taken out of the box. They come loaded with so much extra junk. Junk that takes up space and slows the computer down. I wish I knew all there was to know about computers. Again, save a lot of money
  3. My last talent wish would be musical. I would really like to play a few instruments and sing. I have not much else to say about this one. I just think it would be fun.  
So there you have it. Next I need a car that has a broken computer. Then I can sing while I fix it.

God Bless and thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Power of Accountability

Allow me to preface this blog with this statement: I am GUILTY!! What I am about to discuss is an area I really stink. I am the last one to preach about this topic. But I figure if I shed some light on the issue, maybe I can guilt myself into better habits. So here we go.

Think of the last time you were eating in public with a group of people. Ever notice how everyone is eating PERFECTLY!!! With the exception of family gatherings, I am the worse. This past weekend, I attended a work conference and the kind folks hosting the conference provided a sandwich/salad buffet. Everyone in the room had more green on their plate than a vegan during Thanksgiving. I began to look around the room and noticed a few "larger" folks, yours truly included, were eating a well balanced meal. On top of that, we didn't go back for seconds. Questions started to pop in my head. How huge is accountability? Or guilt? I wouldn't mind having a well toned individual by my side each day. Our environment shapes us.

Now comes the guilt trip. Imagine the impact accountability would have in all of our lives? Not only for health reasons, but spiritual as well. Often we forget Jesus is by our side day in and day out, yet we continue to disappoint Him as well as ourselves. There's accountability looking you right in the face. Time to take action.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Side Note: No intentions to be on a high horse about this issue. We all need help.