Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Power of Accountability

Allow me to preface this blog with this statement: I am GUILTY!! What I am about to discuss is an area I really stink. I am the last one to preach about this topic. But I figure if I shed some light on the issue, maybe I can guilt myself into better habits. So here we go.

Think of the last time you were eating in public with a group of people. Ever notice how everyone is eating PERFECTLY!!! With the exception of family gatherings, I am the worse. This past weekend, I attended a work conference and the kind folks hosting the conference provided a sandwich/salad buffet. Everyone in the room had more green on their plate than a vegan during Thanksgiving. I began to look around the room and noticed a few "larger" folks, yours truly included, were eating a well balanced meal. On top of that, we didn't go back for seconds. Questions started to pop in my head. How huge is accountability? Or guilt? I wouldn't mind having a well toned individual by my side each day. Our environment shapes us.

Now comes the guilt trip. Imagine the impact accountability would have in all of our lives? Not only for health reasons, but spiritual as well. Often we forget Jesus is by our side day in and day out, yet we continue to disappoint Him as well as ourselves. There's accountability looking you right in the face. Time to take action.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Side Note: No intentions to be on a high horse about this issue. We all need help.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thoughts and Prayers

The other day I received an email from our church asking for prayers. I didn't give it much thought and clicked "delete." Then it hit me. You just blew off someone in need. Someone needed your prayer. What is wrong with you. It was more important to click delete than spend 10 seconds asking God to be with the unwell and the family. This occurrence reminded me of something. 

Have you noticed lately how often the saying "Thoughts and Prayers" have been used? I fully understand this is a blog and it is impossible for me to hear you say "Yes, Tyler, I do," but it's happening a lot. Unfortunately it is happening because a tragic event has happen. I think the expression is great. We should hear it more often. We should hear it if something awesome happens. "Hey man, you got the job promotion! Thoughts and Prayers my brother!!" Those days are probably long down the road.

We do hear it a lot on the radio and TV and when it is said, are we doing what is asked? More importantly, are those who say it doing what is being asked? Think about it. "This just in, a plane has crashed into one of the World Trade Center buildings. Our thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families."

It's important we take "thoughts and prayers" seriously. It's important we spend time with God praying for those in need and their tragic situation. Don't click "delete!!!"

God Bless and thanks for Reading

Low to be High

Life is full of "highs" and "lows." When we are down, we find a way to make time to pray, read and focus on life more intently. When we are up, we have it all figured out. Each of us have had many highs and lows in life. Some have had more than others, but we each have our stories. Luckily for me, I have a healthy family, both intermediate and extended. Nothing tragic so far. Luckily for me, God has blessed me with an income to provide, a body to use and a mind to apply...still a full head of hair and no grey.

When the lows do hit in life, they stink. But how great would the highs be without the lows? I believe this is an area, in many of our lives, we forget to remember. When the lows hit, it's important to remember how great life really is. Life's little trivial issues become irrelevant when compared to those who are in greater disarray. Yes, lows will hit, but when they do, remember its only a stage. A stage God is using to prepare you to grow and become closer to him.

The other day I was talking with a colleague. He noticed I was having trouble standing still. Eventually he had to ask why and I explained I was going through a little back issue. As I began to explain my back problems, I noticed a man, in voice hearing range, with only one arm. Immediately I could hear God: "Tyler, pipe down, he has it worse." That moment hit me hard. I wrapped up the back explanation, thus this blog, and was reminded there are many lows in life. More than likely someone has hit worse than you. Life is good. God is great.  

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sunday Morning Traffic

I've always wondered what it would be like if traffic on a Sunday morning were similar to traffic during the work week. Imagine church parking lots across the nation the size of Wal-Mart parking lots. Would there be Christian road rage? "I have a 9am Sunday school class...but you go first!" Driving to church on a Sunday morning is painless and effortless. I think it would please God greatly to see his children flocking to church in mass groves.

 Now imagine if God gave us a warning. What would happen if God said everyone must come to church this Sunday to hear an important message. There wouldn't be a soul at home or at work. I believe every non-believer would be in a church pew. Shouldn't we assume this will happen? Shouldn't we start to prepare?

Matthew 16:27   For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lessons Learned as a Parent

As noted in a previous blog, I like top 10 lists. SportCenter's "Not so Top 10" is one of my favorite. As I spend some of my days in the car, airport, plane or fishing with Aaron Schauer, ideas start to pop in my head. Lately I thought I could share my top lessons I have learned as a parent. Before parents out there with older children say the words, "Son you have no idea the lessons you are about to learn," it's okay...I know there is a long road ahead. Before we start, my children are four and a year and a half. I only know lessons learned up to this point:

  1. A touch lamp is the perfect bedside lamp to have. It's hard enough waking up at 3am to go grab a drink from the fridge. Add darkness and your thigh or toe will pay the price. Bedside lamps are easy to turn on and require zero coordination. 
  2. The Jeep stroller with rubber wheels is a must. We take our children to various locations with different landscapes. Having a stroller with big rubber tires makes walking along sand, snow or rough terrain very easy. It's worth the extra money.
  3. It's not your fault. When Emmett, our four year old, was born we were convinced he possessed all of our negative personality traits. Even worse, we thought our parenting created his "less attractive" personality traits...then came Katelynn. She was the complete opposite. Order was restored...we are not bad parents. Every child has their own unique personality. Although both kids have short tempers...that Amanda. 
  4. Speaking of short tempers...that last statement was a joke. I have a short temper and I see it in my kids. It's amazing how much kids absorb. When I see my negative personality come through my children it is absolutely heart breaking. I think this is most difficult part of parenting. Trying to act as the responsible, noble, and professional parent is practically impossible, but it should be the one we focus on the most. 
  5. Because kids can absorb information so quickly and efficiently, teach them!! We read a lot to our kids. To see what they take away from story time is fun to see. I can't stress how important books are to children. It starts the day they are born.
  6. Manners: There are times I am rough on my kids. Some parents may think I need to relax, but growing up  my parents didn't tolerate disrespect. We were told repeatedly to use our manners when speaking to people as well as listening. Please and thank yous go a very long way. 
  7. Exposure: Amanda and I are believers in exposure. We want our children to take family vacations at an early age. We took Emmett on a 10 hour ski trip at six months.Want to test your marriage? Take your high strung six month old on a 10 hour road trip...good luck.
  8. Just relax...break the rules. One thing we had to do on our our road trip is unbuckle Emmett to calm him down. This is only an example of the many "rules" we as parents will have to break. Just because its a policy doesn't mean it's right. They say now we have to have our children rear facing in the car until they turn 2...yeah right. Good luck with that.. Don't let your child sleep in your bed...sure, I would rather sleep 6 hours rather than 2. One day I would like to pop in on those who made these rules and catch them breaking the "rule." Justice will be served.
  9. Build tolerance. This one is probably controversial. Growing up, we were "groomed" to get through tough. Today, my siblings and I rarely get sick. Is there a connection? Probably not, but we are definitely not complainers. 
  10. Kids are survivors. We don't give our kids enough credit. They are resilient and will persevere. I am horrible at this, but let them work through an issue with another child or sibling. They will figure it out.
  1. Stages: Life is all about stages. Some day the finances will fall into place. Someday the kids will no longer sleep in your bed. Some day you will sleep through the entire night. Some day you will be able to go back to the gym and lose the extra 30 pounds you put on because you have zero discipline and "have no time" to exercise because you have zero ability to wake up at 5am. LOL....some day your kids will be all grown up and you will wonder where has the time gone. You will wish they were little kids again. You will wish life was as easy as it was when the kids were little. You will want to do it all over again.
Life is too short. This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Let's Hold Back the Praise

When it comes to those in the spot light, I don't understand why are they raised to saint hood when they decide to speak a positive message? Society is expected to hold onto their every word. They are all of sudden considered the "go to" person with knowledge and insight. When they do good, we praise them for their heroism and sacrifice. Maybe well deserved, but I believe it's gone too far.

We are forgetting there are many individuals breaking their backs making a difference in this world. I know I will forget some people, but let's not forget the teachers, pastors, police, fire fighters, nurses, doctors, businessmen and many many more. Just because someone has not been in an article in the local paper, on Sports Center, in the latest blockbuster movie or reports the local news, doesn't mean they are the only ones making a difference or have a positive message. We all can make a difference.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

30 Years From Now Top 10

Life is full of top 10 lists. From top 10 pet peeves to top 10 reasons why we choose not to exercise. Regardless, top 10 lists are never ending. Lately I have been thinking about a top 10 list I could do. Most of my life I question things. It doesn't take much for me to be cynical. Usually my cynicism is followed by sarcasm. As I was watching morning cartoons with my kids, I started to question a few things. So here it. The Top 10 Questions About TV I am wondering 30 years from now.

1. Did Doc McStuffins ever become a doctor?

2. Did Social Services finally crack down on Captain Hook? He has to be in his mid-forties and he is harassing little kids. That can't be right.

3. Was there a lawsuit from a passenger on one of the Chuggington trains? Have you seen how much those trains move around? If there was a person inside one of those trains, it would be horrific.

4. Did Jake, Izzy and the Coconuts kid ever find their parents?

5.  Did Goofy turn on Mickey for never letting the show be about someone else?

6. Was there a name change for Brother Bear and Sister Bear? I mean, they were the only ones called that. Everyone else had a name.

7. Did Pete, from Mickey House Clubhouse, ever become a famous far the funniest character.

8. How did Percy last from Thomas and Friends? The way he talked had to bring him trouble...and he was a wimp.

9. Did the conductors from Thomas and Friends ever grow a backbone and take over the train they were conducting? They just stand back there while the trains get into trouble.

10. Did Lucy, from Push and Pop book, even pass the 5th grade...ever? Really, you don't know the difference between a farmer and a guy in a balloon?

Well there is my cynicism at its best. All in good fun.

God bless and thanks for reading.