Monday, April 8, 2013

Parenting at its best...

Jack Bauer: "The following takes place between 4:37am and 4:39am"

If we have any "24" fans, you will understand the above statement. If not, well the following takes place between 4:37 am and 4:39am.

4:37:05am: Emmett wakes up next to Amanda and Tyler coughing and spitting...strong stench in the air.

4:37:08am: Tyler takes Emmett to the bathroom, Amanda gathers the comforter and rolls into a ball to protect the rest of the bed from the smell of puke.

4:37:45am: Tyler hands off clean Emmett to Amanda and Amanda hands off comforter to Tyler. During the exchange Amanda and Tyler exchange behind the back high fives.

4:38:01am: Amanda puts Emmett back in parent's bed, cue Matrix slow motion of Amanda sprinting down the hallway to the kitchen to grab Emmett a little juice.

4:38:14am: Tyler takes comforter downstairs to analyze the damage. He analyzes the situation and calls time of death at 4:38:19am. Comforter couldn't be saved.

4:38:25am: Amanda gives Emmett juice and Emmett falls asleep.

4:38:27am: Tyler throws away comforter, starts a load of laundry for Emmett's dirty clothes and saves orphan cat that he saw outside the window.

4:38:45am: Tyler gives a kiss goodnight to Amanda and Emmett and goes to bed.

4:39:00am: Crisis conquered. Tracy's go back to sleep.

Thanks for reading. God bless

1 comment:

  1. Great! We've had lots of DNRs on bedding, carpet, etc! Good times!
