Friday, June 21, 2013

I have kids to feed!!!

I thought about adding this story with my previous blog post (click here), but your time is valuable and if you are like me, you read blogs in the car. Oh come on, the ad campaign is "don't text and drive" not "don't read a blog and drive." The below story actually took place the same time I was at the West Acres Mall with Emmett and Katelynn earlier this week. I hope you enjoy:

After my run in with Deputy Dewy (if you don't know who Deputy Dewy is, then you need to click the above link) I took the kids to the large funnel coin spinning thing. Emmett loves to watch pennies, nickels and dimes make the long journey down daddy's dreadful mall attraction. Katelynn enjoys this feature as well. Her challenge is to hit the coins just as they come off the ramp and force them to instantly slide down...Emmett strongly disagrees with her enjoyment. Post funnel coin thing, we went to the pet store, tortured fishys in a large fish tank and continuously pulled Katelynn from trying to walk into Spencer's Gifts.

After we hit our attractions, it's time for free samples. I would like to consider myself a sampler expert. I have considered bringing multiple outfits, but with two kids, samples are easy and plentiful to come by. The key with the sampler is to convince them you have no idea they are providing samples. I like to stroll by pretending to struggle with my kids. The sampler sees dad in distress and has no choice but to assist with extra samples.

On Monday we had a different experience. This particular sample was a grab and go. There was not an employee handing out the sample and all mall customers were on the honor system. Except for Dorthy. I am not sure her name was Dorthy, but as I approached the sample spot, Dorthy arrived the same time. I was riding a wave of momentum. Deputy Dewy and I just went toe to toe and now I had another match. Dorthy arrived and started to go to town on the samples. She was ambidextrous!! She had a good technique and would squash a Super Bowl party. After she cleaned 1/4 of the plate I felt compelled to say something. "Sorry mam, but I have kids to feed. Are you almost done?" Dorthy abruptly turned and looked at me and gave me the look of a mother bear protecting her cub. She didn't speak but her actions told me she wanted one last dive and she would be done. Dorthy took her last dive and managed to drop her last piece into the marinara sauce. She took one last look at me, another look at the staff behind the counter and went for it. You guessed it!! She put her finger licked fingers in the sauce, pulled out the bite and savored the moment. At this point I was happy for Dorthy and I think Dorthy was happy too. She was on cloud nine.

It was a funny moment and one I will never forget. I wish I had a moral of the story moment, but this is just good old entertainment folks.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

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