Friday, December 20, 2013

Yeah, I'm That Dad

Everyday we are challenged with life's curve balls. Some are little and some are big. The big ones seem to get us thinking more deeply about who we are, what we represent or why we did what we just did. The big curve balls can hurt. God means business. The little curve balls aren't so bad. Usually we bounce back quickly. God is just giving you a hint that a big curve is on the way if you continue to ignore the little ones. The other day a big curve ball was thrown my direction and it compelled me to think. This curve ball challenged my manhood and my ability as a dad.

Just recently I took Emmett and Katelynn to the store to mail a package. Emmett is now 4 and Katelynn will turn 2 in about a month. Amanda was working a day shift and it was daddy day care. I love my daddy day cares. In the moment they can be stressful, but they are a blast. We were at the store (customer service desk) and the line was long. I only had one package to mail and it had to be sent as soon as possible. Katelynn in one arm and a large show case of Oreos occupying Emmett, I would be okay. Traditionally Katelynn follows her brother everywhere, so I was surprised we made it this long. Fast forward 33 seconds and Katelynn was ready to go. With 2 people still ahead of me, I had no choice. Katelynn had to go down. Being the responsible parent that I am, I asked Emmett to watch Katelynn. The great thing about Emmett's big brother watchful eye is that when Katelynn leaves my sight line Emmett lets out a scream identical to the first Wednesday of the month fire whistle sound. I felt okay with my decision. With two kiddos playing tag around the Oreo case, I was able to mail my package. Just as I turned around, the Wednesday noon siren went off and little K was MIA. Well only briefly, but out of sight line none the less. With a quick run down the produce department, I had Katelynn in one arm and boots pounding big bro following diligently. A successful trip. So I thought. As we were leaving, a woman approached me and said the following:

"You know one day she won't be there and you will regret setting her down like that. You need to be more watchful of your children."

I was in shock. My usual cynical sarcastic demeanor was speechless. I could only respond by asking her if she had kids, which she does, and then said "Merry Christmas" and walked out. She might have had a point. I am not sure. I have only been a parent for 4 years and each day is a lesson in raising children. Her comments forced me to think about my parenting style. Should I have gotten a cart and strapped Katelynn in?...good luck with that. Found a sitter? I don't know. What I do know, are my kids. I know what they can handle and what they cannot. I then started to think, you know what, I am that dad.

I am that dad that sets his kids down and tells them to stick around. I am that dad that tells his son Dora went on vacation so we can watch Diego. I am that dad that shoots a squirrel right in front of his son and tells him that the squirrel had to go because the dog broke his paw because of the squirrel. I am that dad that tucks his daughter's pants into her socks on a cold day. I am that dad that puts a onesy over his daughter's jeans because it just looks funny. I am that dad that shows his kids YouTube videos of really bad women drivers because they are so funny and the kids laugh. I am that dad that sets up a tent in the basement and pretends a large grizzly bear is attacking the tent. Yeah, I am that dad that also finds grizzly bear noises on YouTube and plays them during the tent scene. I am that dad that takes a picture of his 3 month old daughter drinking water out of the dog dish.

I couldn't think of this list when it counted the most. I would love to go back to the woman and tell her this list. And if I did, I would then follow up my little rant.

But you know what...I am also that dad that will rock his daughter the entire night. I am that dad that will sleep on his sons floor to make sure he falls asleep in his crib. I am that dad that has read the same book five times in a row because my daughter just loves Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I am that dad that wakes up with mom six times during the night while both kids are throwing up every 30 minutes. I am that dad that shows love and compassion to their mother to show them how much mommy means to him. I am that dad that will work tirelessly to have a roof over their head and food in their mouths. I AM THAT DAD.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

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