Saturday, November 16, 2013

You are Welcome

The pictures will explain it all. You are welcome.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Scale of all Scales

I have had a continuous battle to lose weight. There are many methods out there to assist weight loss and I have tried many. Each day I look for a way to "make it easier." One thing I am proud of is that I have gone a record 252 consecutive Monday's with the plan to diet, only to fail later that afternoon. Now that is what I call a streak.

My most recent "game plan" includes a little out of the box thinking. The trucking industry is the life blood of America. With out trucks, we would be without many conveniences. Due to the mass volume of miles that trucks put on each year, the interstates take a beating. A way to monitor this activity is done by the State organizations. They have large scales for the trucks. Occasionally they will open these stations to hold the truckers accountable. Hopefully you are following where I am going with this. Now comes the big question. Why can't we have a large scale in our kitchen? Not just a scale you step on, but a scale that is built into the floor. Yeah, now I have your attention. Imagine walking into your kitchen and instantly a TV in the upper corner tells you your weight. Or maybe the fridge locks!! Take that inner tubes around the waist!! Man boobs....gone!! The idea might be a little out there, but considering the condition of our country and yours truly...drastic steps for drastic measures.

God Bless and thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Three Talents

I think we have all had times in our lives we wish we had a special talent. That time in life, you know you could be something big if only you could do "________________." I have these same thoughts day in and day out. So here it is. My three talents I wish I had...two of which are feasible, the last one...not even close.

  1. Too many times in my life I have taken a vehicle into the shop and left feeling someone just took a lead pipe to both of my knee caps and a swift kick to the groin. This was when I got the quote. After the work was done, I signed up for the 10% off credit card offer, only to find out it only applies to work done under $100.00. I wish I knew all there was to know about cars. What a talent to have and save a lot of money
  2. The same can be said when I take our computers in for repair. It just feels like computers are designed not to last 10 minutes after they are taken out of the box. They come loaded with so much extra junk. Junk that takes up space and slows the computer down. I wish I knew all there was to know about computers. Again, save a lot of money
  3. My last talent wish would be musical. I would really like to play a few instruments and sing. I have not much else to say about this one. I just think it would be fun.  
So there you have it. Next I need a car that has a broken computer. Then I can sing while I fix it.

God Bless and thanks for reading.